The Centurion Challenge

You fight them back, but still they come! Can you really score 100 points in this Quick Draw challenge? Probably not, but you might still place on the leaderboard. Download this custom scenario and give it your all. To battle!

Top Centurions

1stScarponiWalking CarpetsOct. 22, 2014100
2ndVakazPower of FiresOct. 22, 2014100
3rdpeonpropOct. 22, 2014100
4thMelancthonSorcerersOct. 22, 2014100
5thFarbsOct. 23, 2014100
6thWhiteSorcerer99 Lenbears WalkingOnFireOct. 23, 2014100
7thLeolusOct. 24, 2014100
8thNeoburaiSorcererersOct. 24, 2014100
9thVitosOct. 24, 2014100
10thQivrilCard HunterOct. 24, 2014100
11thHappenstanceOct. 24, 2014100
12thEl HobbitoOct. 25, 2014100
13thPaladinGPOrder of the Ivory FlameOct. 25, 2014100
14thXeryonOct. 26, 2014100
15thLord DrakkanPower of FiresOct. 29, 2014100
16thMurgyOct. 31, 2014100
17thBlackVoidDeathWalking CarpetsNov. 1, 2014100
18thAgnieszkaNov. 1, 2014100
19thFinialNov. 3, 2014100
20thFarquarNov. 7, 2014100
21stElrond HubbardNov. 11, 2014100
22ndBigANov. 15, 2014100
23rdMiravalNov. 15, 2014100
24thAlcibiade_2ndNov. 26, 2014100
25thMagic ElvesDec. 17, 2014100
26thInkfingersSorcerersJan. 10, 2015100
27thcheeseexJan. 11, 2015100
28thVerschimmeltJan. 19, 2015100
29thbarbuzJan. 25, 2015100
30thdirendaiJan. 26, 2015100
31stAngelicDawnFeb. 8, 2015100
32ndTreePipitFeb. 22, 2015100
33rdMathuranFLeviathanMarch 5, 2015100
34thThetianKnightPower of FiresMarch 6, 2015100
35thPunfMarch 6, 2015100
36thdada112Walking CarpetsMarch 9, 2015100
37thBlack PawnMarch 24, 2015100
38thbilliskaNinetyNineKnavesApril 3, 2015100
39thDarialStormPower of FiresApril 8, 2015100
40thwalroffApril 13, 2015100
41stJltSorcererersApril 14, 2015100
42ndarkfaintLanQiYingApril 28, 2015100
43rdObernoob99 Lenbears WalkingOnFireMay 4, 2015100
44thRasdefariaBEERBARIANS CREWMay 15, 2015100
45thecotoneHenry the Business PigJuly 1, 2015100
46thiaretwinkieJuly 9, 2015100
47thwilliamgwatkinsSorcererersJuly 29, 2015100
48thDupleX99 Lenbears WalkingOnFireAug. 18, 2015100
49thVermillionOcean99 Lenbears WalkingOnFireSep. 15, 2015100
50thFanturlucheSep. 24, 2015100
51stPaxaroOct. 8, 2015100
52ndtimeracersPractice guildNov. 13, 2015100
53rdBrishnaLeviathanJan. 12, 2016100
54th2usticeJan. 26, 2016100
55thMithrikJan. 26, 2016100
56thWandereNot FeignersFeb. 25, 2016100
57thsenhor linguiniBraves of GloryMarch 8, 2016100
58thDegensquaredMarch 15, 2016100
59thHidden JaguarSorcererersApril 15, 2016100
60thSpaceDoubtMay 12, 2016100
61stPyriousElite of FunJune 3, 2016100
62ndValadileneJuly 8, 2016100
63rdthink_pantherJuly 13, 2016100
64thsucreBraves of GloryJuly 13, 2016100
65thFcxHiroBraves of GloryJuly 14, 2016100
66thFunbagsPower of FiresJuly 15, 2016100
67thSuper4011Aug. 31, 2016100
68thRohndilNov. 23, 2016100
69thIssemFeb. 23, 2017100
70thmacizoJune 1, 2017100
71stAJW_HR_ZXLLord.Of.The.RingJuly 29, 2017100
72ndauburnKrakenSep. 21, 2017100
73rdSteinhauserKrakenSep. 21, 2017100
74thPetyr BaelishOct. 2, 2017100
75thBeragornWizardNov. 19, 2017100
76thSirius IIINinetyNineKnavesDec. 23, 2017100
77thMeMeWalkers of the VoidJan. 5, 2018100
78thSasoo8KrakenJan. 12, 2018100
79thEulaliaElite of FunJan. 12, 2018100
80thgurelKrakenApril 1, 2018100
81stDaN_MaNWalking CarpetsAug. 3, 2018100
82ndmanhawarKrakenAug. 26, 2018100
83rdFallenBluesNasi GorengSep. 10, 2018100
84thTorvaldrSep. 12, 2018100
85thalontibikaTwilight ChampionsSep. 30, 2018100
86thTemaukelElite of FunOct. 22, 2018100
87thHughTheHandWalking CarpetsNov. 25, 2018100
88thKornlKrakenJan. 4, 2019100
89thNasi Di GorengJan. 6, 2019100
90thFallenBlueJan. 6, 2019100
91stFallenBlueeJan. 7, 2019100
92ndlike21midgetsBrave AcademyJan. 8, 2019100
93rdFallenBluenJan. 10, 2019100
94thTrickster23Toastie OsJan. 26, 2019100
95thYuki ShiroeKrakenJan. 27, 2019100
96thOldManRigneyBraves of GloryFeb. 20, 2019100
97thelciddeburgos23Feb. 20, 2019100
98thSusurrus in GloamingFeb. 21, 2019100
99thPeripheusWizardFeb. 24, 2019100
100thetham1010KrakenMarch 6, 2019100