Power of Fires

Profile / Seasons / History / Contribution / Service / Active / Total Games / Win Rate

Duration of Service

RankPlayerTitleTotal GamesWin RateContribution to RatingDate Joined
1stSnorreMr. Firestorm1,34158%-331Jan. 23, 2014
2ndTheShadowTitan1,38769%1,350Jan. 23, 2014
3rdJacques75373%1,075Jan. 24, 2014
4thVakaz4,17772%4,062Jan. 24, 2014
5thAnnieslover4,97463%790Jan. 25, 2014
6thBeledorfGrinder3,94066%1,627Jan. 25, 2014
7thKungfu Crab1,29358%413Jan. 25, 2014
8thDarialStorm5,22869%1,893Jan. 9, 2015
9thLord FeleranThe Gutsy One1,55367%197March 1, 2015
10thFifjunior7The Elven Vampire1,99259%290May 2, 2015
11thThetianKnightWish I was a Carpet4,44265%2,881May 2, 2015
12thLord Drakkan25368%37May 3, 2015
13thJuxtapostion1,13759%98May 6, 2015
14thjagrpoker28462%-1May 31, 2015
15thHeretiick3,57564%113July 7, 2015
16thPrismat19265%26Aug. 2, 2015
17thFifjuniorThe Elven Vampire35860%81Aug. 6, 2015
18thjasfmpgh46566%78April 1, 2016
19thCanIPOnURear Admiral Lt General15075%40April 1, 2016
20thLucker83372%277May 1, 2016
21stWhimsical3,27866%144May 8, 2016
22ndFunbagsThe Prodigy7470%5July 2, 2016
23rdJakeAlmighty15972%-12Aug. 1, 2016
24thStinko69Mr. Slave8470%57Sep. 26, 2017