
Profile / Seasons / History


SeasonDateWins*Total Games*Win Rate*
AigustAugust 20186786%
JumodJuly 20186875%
Second BatfordruaryFebruary 201815920378%
Second Frozen JanizzaJanuary 201855100%
CybtoberOctover 201781173%
SpacetemberSeptember 2017425872%
OrigustAugust 2017497169%
JulaiJuly 20178614360%
Second CybergustAugust 2016112250%
SpacejulyJuly 201614928353%
OrijuneJune 2016509553%
AiayMay 2016214151%
PlayprilApril 2016397453%
PlarchMarch 20161425%
ModuneJune 201511100%
The First OctoverOctover 20146110658%
The Origin of the SeasonsSeptember 2014234255%

* This table only includes games where one or more players is guild member